Who are we

The "She Says" podcast, hosted by Tara and Noma, embarks on a heartfelt and empowering journey for women. The hosts discuss the significance of women's voices in the Christian faith, exploring themes of empowerment, obedience, and the role of women in both the church and society. They emphasize the importance of authentic living, championing each other, and embracing one's God-given assignments. Each episode is an invitation to women to find their voice, step into their God-given roles, and navigate life's challenges with faith and community support.
A little bit about us: Noma is a wife, mother of 3, GiGi of 1.5 squishes and a Pastor at Sonrise Christian Center in Everett, Wa and is hungry for revival. She is an anointed & gifted speaker - full of the Holy Spirit and a prophetic voice in the region. She desires to see all the generations gathered together with one purpose of making Jesus famous. She is a deep lover of God and profound worshipper and desires to meet Jesus where He is working and partner with Him. She is lover of all things beautiful, loves to meet in coffee shops to connect, and is tons of fun to be around. Her family is her number one behind Jesus and they are cheering her forward in her work with the Lord. Her and her amazing husband Eric Hedman, they will have been married 26 years in 2024. She is a wealth of knowledge and has such a deep love to see Jesus move. Tara is a wife, mother of 3 (no squishes yet) and manages a Birthing Center in Arlington Wa. Tara is a gifted adminstrator, writer and communicator. She desires to see all come to the knowlege of who Christ is. She has a passion for scripture, all things awkward and a little on the conspiracy side. She loves to see how God has woven Himself throughout all of the earth and time. She is passionate about stewarding creation and believes that Gods plan for us to have dominion is still in effect. She along with her husband Kevin Johnson served as youth pastors of Sonrise Christian Center for over a decade where Tara served in the administration department. They are passionate about seeing Generation Z and Alpha be all who they can be in the Kingdom.
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